Monday, June 6, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

After spending a semester working on a single project,

fresh eyes are usually needed to pick out what is working

and what isn't. It may be what you want to hear or it may

not, but it will almost always make your work better.

Usually after a few weeks of watching a finished product of

mine I can pick out nearly every flaw, blemish, or short

cut, thus making me want to do something bigger, better,

and badder. This is where I am today.

As I mentioned, I received quite a few responses to my

reel. Most of which, believe it or not, were from people in need of

video work (comping simple 3D text or Backdrop) or even asking for scoring and sound design. Ha, didn't see that one coming!  =)

For those who know me well... video is where I started - not animation. I wanted to be a film maker. I sat

in awe of the amazing works done by Peter Jackson, George

Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and the like. I knew that I

absolutely wanted to be a part of this entertainment

industry. What I didn't know is where my interest in

special effects-heavy film making would lead.
Now that I've been doing video again I feel like I'm back to the beginning again so to speak. I don't know where I'm going from here but I guess I'll just keep freelancing and building my reel until I get the right job.

So what have I learned?
A bottle of rum - $10
A small sailboat - $1000
Terrible Jack Sparrow Impersonations....Priceless

I'm not sure how many people are still reading my blog but I'm going to try to update it more regularly with my freelance "adventures". I still owe people a matchmoving tutorial and I plan on also posting that today.

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